Sales Goals For 2014-Sales And Training
As 2013 comes to a close, I want to spend this month reviewing how you can set and reach your sales goals in 2014. To start, consider the following:
The best goals are realistic, yet challenging. When you reach a goal you’re proud of what you accomplished. To decide if a goal is realistic, answer these questions and use the information as a guide.
How much did you sell in 2013?
How much do you want to sell in 2014?
Who were your customers in 2013?
How much did they buy?
How much do you project them to buy in 2014?
Estimate the gap. Goal-Total Sales Projected for 2014 from Current Customers=New Business
What does the average customer buy in the first year?
How many new customers do you need to reach your goal? New Business ÷ Average Value of a New Customer = No. of New Customers
Based on past experience, how many prospects do you need to talk to in order to get a customer? That is how many people you need to load into the top of the funnel, qualify and convert.
Thought Transformation provides sales training courses in Atlanta and the greater Atlanta area. We offer 20+ sales training programs that are designed to help you achieve success in any sales programs. If you want to increase your sales and out-sell your competition, Atlanta's Thought Transformation can help.
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