Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Take a Persistence Inventory

Take a Persistence Inventory

The book, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill has sold more than 50 million copies since it came out in print. It’s a great read with a lot of practical advice on how to mix up your own magical formula for success.
I’m a sales professional, and I’m well aware that my paycheck is directly linked to my willingness and ability to persist. Hill’s “Persistence Inventory” is a useful way to take stock of what I’m doing, and what I need to do better.
Or as Hill puts it, “These are the weaknesses that must be mastered by all who accumulate riches.”
Napoleon Hill’s Persistence Inventory:
1.      Failure to recognize and to define clearly exactly what one wants.
2.      Procrastination, with or without cause.
3.      Lack of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge.
4.      Indecision.
5.      The habit of relying upon alibis instead of creating definite plans for the solution of problems.
6.      Self-satisfaction (which can be tough to recognize at times in my opinion!)
7.      Indifference, usually reflected in one’s readiness to compromise on all occasions, rather than meeting opposition and fighting it.
8.      The habit of blaming others for one’s mistakes, and accepting unfavorable circumstances as unavoidable.
9.      Weakness of desire, due to the choice of motives that impel action.
10.  Willingness to quit at the first sign of defeat.
11.  Lack of organized plans, in writing, so you can analyze your thinking.
12.  The habit of neglecting to move on ideas, or grab opportunity when it appears.
13.  Wishing instead of willing.
14.  The habit of compromising with poverty instead of aiming at riches.
15.  Searching for all the short-cuts to riches, trying to get without giving a fair equivalent in effort.
16.  Fear of criticism so you don’t create plans and put them into action.

As you think about these items, I challenge you to answer the core question Hill asked in his book: Can you imagine yourself as a millionaire?

And what would you need to do differently when you’re selling to achieve that?

Learn More about Napoleon Hill at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_Hill

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Atlanta Sales Training Courses-Sales Training Tips

Sales training courses in Atlanta, GA, are provided by Thought Transformation. 20+ sales training classes that increase sales and help you out sale your competition. If you're near the Atlanta area and you're interested in our sales training programs, please call 1-770-846-3510

10 Sales Training Tips Of Persuasion

Sales professionals are masters of persuasion. Persuasion is a process. It requires rapport building skills, credibility, the ability to craft a logical argument and the eloquence to present it. Persuasion is not manipulation when it is based on mutual gain and ethical selling behaviors.
Use these ten tips in 2013 to help you become more persuasive and convince more buyers to say, "Yes, I'll buy.”

  1. Establish credibility in the first meeting. Show buyers why they should trust and believe you.
  2. Buyers are either open to new ideas or closed to them. To persuade a buyer, they must listen with an open mind. If their mind is closed, your first challenge is to open it.
  3. Find common ground. By pointing out shared thinking and shared experiences, you demonstrate to the buyer you understand your point of view.
  4. When the buyer talks, listen past the words for strong emotions. What does the buyer care about?
  5. Ask opinion questions. We get the ammunition we need to persuade by looking below surface level facts and understand the thinking that underlies past decisions.
  6. Tell stories. Stories interest prospects and customers. Design them so listeners draw the right conclusions. Stories help you persuade because buyers will always find their own conclusions more believable than any statement you can make.
  7. Be likable. We are all more willing to accept the ideas of people we like.
  8. Look at possible arguments from both sides. If the audience brings up a negative point, nod and say, "That's an excellent point. I considered it and . . .”
  9. Provide evidence to prove benefits are real. Use testimonials, statistics and real life examples.
  10. Fear stops people from taking action. Identify concerns. Alleviate risks.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Questions that Push a Buyer's Hot Button

You’re calling on a brand new prospect named Bud. After 15 minutes, you’re concerned. Bud’s cordial enough as you ask questions, but you can tell he’s not engaged. His practiced answers come quickly. As Bud politely recites plain vanilla facts, his eyes stray to his computer monitor. Opportunity is slipping away. You need to do something!

You switch directions and ask, “Bud, your competitors are always complaining to us about productivity problems. Is low productivity a problem for you?”

Bud straightens and looks right at you. Tilting his head, his tone intensifies as he asks, “What do you mean?”

YOU JUST HIT A HOT BUTTON! Your question started Bud’s emotional engine. You’re haven't reached the destination, but you’re finally on the road.  

Take a minute to think about the questions you ask.  
  • What do potential customers complain about?
  • What important problems do you solve?
  • What unmet needs prompt a physical reaction, causing prospects to feel stress, discomfort, uncertainty, worry and doubt?
  • What fears lead to change?

To make a sale, buyers must be motivated to make a change.  Motivation results from a prospect’s drive to resolve internal tension. Hot button questions start the buyer thinking about their situation and fulfilling unmet needs.

Hot button questions create opportunities.  Here the challenge. Come up with three hot button questions that turn on the buyer’s emotional engine. In your next prospecting call, take the questions for a test drive. Find out what works and practice.

Good selling!

Thought Transformation offers sales training courses in the Atlanta area. 20+ sales training classes that'll increase sales and help you out sale the competition. Sales training programs in Atlanta, contact us now!

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