Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Guest Blogger: Linda Lindsey - Selling Yourself

Final thoughts from Linda Lindsey on selling yourself:

I think it’s tempting to shotgun your experience and try to find a job, any job, to stay afloat. But hiring managers are weary of unfocused candidates. If you don’t have a clear picture of your goals, how can you have a clear vision of the company’s goals?

Figuring out what you love to do, what you are willing to do, and what doesn’t interest you is imperative when selling yourself. Self assessments can assist you in your quest but many times a simple 2 column list is all it takes to start narrowing your focus.

Recognizing the qualities that have helped you to excel are imperative. I am a good communicator. I love to write. I handle pressure well. I can handle multiple tasks and I instinctively know how to prioritize. I didn’t care for the pressures of management and the mundane reporting and analysis that keeps me too busy to be creative. With that information in hand, I went from Chief Marketing Officer to Copywriter and I’ve never been happier, in fact, I was promoted to Creative Director within 8 months. In one slight career shift, I stripped away all of the negatives and I can focus all my energy on the things I love. You can’t sell yourself until you know yourself. So, go find yourself.

About Linda Lindsey
An Atlanta native, Linda Lindsey has been in the marketing and advertising arena for over 19 years and serves as Creative Director for Brightree LLC. Linda has firsthand knowledge of the "no-holds-barred" marketing advances that drive businesses to try bolder, more profitable techniques to win new customers.

Linda's broad range of expertise includes developing and executing marketing and communications programs for a wide range of companies including Ricoh Americas Corporation with a niche in software solutions and a passion for nonprofit organizations seeking to be heard through the immense media clutter. Linda has owned her own marketing consulting firm for years and her award-winning approach communications to prospects in a way that helps them move them further along the buying cycle.

Linda was awarded a 2007 Direct Marketing Association ECHO award and was recognized internationally as a Diamond Contender for the "best of the best" for her demand generation campaigns. She also earned a 2008 Gold Davey award for copywriting. In June of 2010, she completed her term as President of the Business Marketing Association, Atlanta Chapter.

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