Friday, February 12, 2010

L is for the way you look at me

With Valentine's Day around the corner, today I want to know, "Do your clients love you?"

The answer is yes if . . .
  1. You are the first person they call when they have new business.
  2. You are the last person they call--either because they're ready to place the order or they want to work with you on pricing.
  3. Your clients ignore calls from prospecting competitors because they're 100% happy with you.
  4. You get at least 51% of what the customer spends in your product category.
  5. You ask for a referral and get one.
Have a great weekend and check back Monday for a very special giveway!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know that my best clients call me first. I want more clients like that. I want more clients!