Thursday, September 5, 2013

Seventeen Questions from Buyers

Seventeen Questions from Buyers

Before making a purchase, buyers want answers to these questions.
1.      Do I like this salesperson enough to give them my money?
2.      Can I trust them to tell me everything I need?
3.      Did they leave any critical information out?
4.      If information was left out, did it happen on purpose?
5.      Do I really need this?
6.      What other options do I have?
7.      Is this price fair?
8.      Is there enough value to justify the expense?
9.      Does the salesperson have the expertise I need?
10.  What could go wrong?
11.  If I buy from this company, will my boss think I made a good decision?
12.  Are there any hidden charges or fees?
13.  Will the salesperson and the company be easy to do business with?
14.  Does the salesperson understand me when we communicate?
15.  Does the salesperson like me enough to watch my back?
16.  Will the salesperson follow my instructions?
17.  Does this salesperson care if I'm satisfied, or do they just want a sale?

Plan your selling approach so you’re ready to provide buyers with all the information they need to say, “Yes, I want to buy from you.”

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