Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!!

Well, it's here. The start of a brand new year!! To keep things fresh, and content not only interesting but useful, Sale is Not For Sissies is changing things up a bit. Based on last year's survey, readers have requested more sales tips from me, more guest bloggers and more information on social media. I aim to please, and all of that information will be coming your way in 2011.

Additionally, I will keep posts to three days a week hoping this will give readers a better opportunity to read all of the content that is posted. If you have any other suggestions that you believe will make the blog a better tool, feel free to comment below or e-mail

The wonderful Lucy Ke will be back on Friday with more information, and I have a great post for Monday entitled, "I Thrive On Rejection."

Here's to a wonderful and prosperous New Year! Good Selling!

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